Category Page Feature

In JNews you can customize category page layout of all categories or in individual category.

Category Features

There are plenty of layout options to customize your category page layouts. Here are several of the options available.

Category Page Layout

Tailor the basic page layout of the Category page selected.

Category Header

Select the header style from 4 Category Header layouts available.

Category Hero

Enable Hero element in categories and customize the Hero Style, margin, etc.

Category Content

Select post modules to display your category feeds​.

Category Page Layout

There are 7 page layout options available to choose.

Right Sidebar
Left Sidebar
Wide – Right Sidebar
Wide – Left Sidebar
Double Sidebar
Double Sidebar Right

Category Header

There are 4 Category Header styles available.

Style 1
Style 2
Style 3
Style 4

Category Hero

You can enable Hero element in category page. There are 14 Hero elements option available.

Category Content

Display your category feed with plenty options of post modules available. You can mix and match the category page layout from 23 post modules options.

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